
WordPress 19 岁了!

19 年前的今天(2003 年 5 月 27 日),19 岁的 Matt Mullenweg 与 Mike Little 合作发布基于 b2/cafelog 开发的第一个版本 WordPress。19 年后前前天,WordPress 发布了 WordPress 6.0 Arturo 版本,目前全球已经有超过 42% 网站由 WordPress 构建,牢牢占据第一。

「WordPress 19 岁了!:https://sars.win/23」

WordPress 19 岁生日

WordPress 19 岁了! - 第1张图片

当年 Matt 希望 WordPress 可以拥有 MovableType 的灵活性,TextPattern 的解析能力,b2 的易于 hack 的能力,以及像 Google Blogger 一样易于设置,可以说到了今天 Matt 都做到了,一个 19 岁的软件项目不仅活着,而且还是蓬勃发展,坚持不易。

WordPress 才 19 岁?WordPress 19 岁了!

「WordPress 19 岁了!:https://sars.win/23」

WordPress 能减减肥吗?

Matt WordPress 19

原文:May 27, 2022

Today is the 19th anniversary since WordPress’ first release, which is especially exciting for a number of reasons:

「WordPress 19 岁了!:https://sars.win/23」
  1. The community put together an awesome site celebrating the occasion at wp19.day.
  2. We just had an awesome 6.0 “Arturo” release.
  3. Next week June 2-4 WordCamp Europe returns in-person in Porto, Portugal, and I’ll be there and so excited to connect with the community! Tickets are still available.
  4. Nineteen seems like an in-between number, but actually it’s very salient for me because now WordPress is the same age I was when the first release came out.
  5. Which means I’ve now been working on WordPress half my life!

Cheers and here’s to many more years together. 🥂


WordPress 19 岁了! - 第2张图片

「WordPress 19 岁了!:https://sars.win/23」
